دومين .BIZ.TR

نمایندگی رایگان دامنه

Reseller69.90 TL Premium66.90 TL Platinum64.90 TL

.biz.tr دامنه Reseller

    Register69,90 TL
    تمدید71,90 TL
    بازیابی0,00 TL
    انتقال0,00 TL

.biz.tr دامنه Premium

    Register66,90 TL
    تمدید68,90 TL
    بازیابی0,00 TL
    انتقال0,00 TL

.biz.tr دامنه Platinum

    Register64,90 TL
    تمدید67,90 TL
    بازیابی0,00 TL
    انتقال0,00 TL

Unregistered/Undocumented .biz.tr

As you know, most of the time, the “.com.tr”, “.net.tr” and “.org.tr” extensions were allocated in a documented manner during the Nic.TR period. However, these domain name allocations will be made in an undocumented scope and on a first-come, first-served basis within the TRABIS system. In the other framework, ".gen.tr", ".biz.tr", ".tv.tr", ".web.tr", ".info.tr", ".bbs.tr", ". Tel.tr” and “.name.tr” extensions will not require documents for the realization of allocation transactions.
Unregistered/Undocumented .biz.tr
What is undocumented .biz.tr?
Domains with .biz.tr extension that has been sold with documents since 1993 will be sold by Trabis on an undocumented first-come, first-served basis as of January 2022. Undocumented sale of .biz.tr domain extension will increase Turkey .tr domain sales all over the world and will make a great contribution to the official domain extension of our country.
Who Can Apply for Undocumented .biz.tr?
Now all internet users everywhere in the world will be able to register .biz.tr domain name without documents. The first-come, the first-served rule will be valid for .biz.tr domain registration. Internet users all over the world who do not have a document will be able to instantly register .biz.tr domain names whenever they want with the commissioning of the undocumented .biz.tr.
.BIZ.TR tld is the دامنه های ترکیه. Domain Name API offers free resellers program domain names with .BIZ.TR top level domain. As a client of Domain Name API, you will have the opportunity to register a .BIZ.TR domain name. Domain Name API is as an ICANN accredited Registrar which guarantees the highest quality of management of your domain names registered with our reseller panel. Take advantage for دامنه های ترکیه names. Become .BIZ.TR دامنه های ترکیه name reseller.

ثبت دامنه
TLD : biz.tr
کشور : ترکی
کمترین کاراکتر : 2
بیشترین کاراکتر : 63
کمترین زمان ثبت : 1 سال
بیشترین زمان ثبت : 5 سال
کمترین تعداد مجاز NS : 2
بیشترین تعداد مجاز NS : 4
گزینه IDN : No
پشتیبانی انتقال : Yes
پشتیبانی حالت بروزرسانی : No
مدارک ضروری : No
پشتیبانی ایمیل FOA : No
مدت های ثبت دامنه
مدت های ثبت دامنه : 1,2,3,4,5 سال
Renewal Periods : 1,2,3,4 سال
پیش ثبت نام دامنه : 0 روز
دوره محاسبه دامنه : 30 روز
مدت پایان دامنه : 90 روز
مدت خطا آفرینی دامنه : 0 روز
مدت پرداخت های دامنه : 30 روز
مدت بازیابی فایل های حذف شده : 30 روز
مدت انتظار حدف فایل ها : 30 روز
بروزرسانی مطلق : No