Domain querying allows you to check if the domain name you want for your website has been purchased by someone else. Domain registrations can be performed personally or institutionally. Considering the fact that there are millions of registered domains and two websites cannot use the same domain, you can quickly and safely search with a domain query and register the domain name that you want.
If the domain name is available, you can buy it together with hosting and then start creating your website. .com ve .net domain names are mostly sold in the world. Each website can use these extensions regardless of the content. Please be careful when selecting a domain.
Domain Name API is one of the very distinctive companies in the world that can offer the most domain extensions together. You can query and register the 800+ domain extension, and reseller systems are offered free of charge, where you can functionally control all your domains on a single control panel. Each user who creates a membership on the Domain Name API is registered as a reseller. The prices of domain vary based on the reseller slaps. There are three different reseller slaps: Reseller, Premium and Platinum. Cheap domain registration, renewal, transfer prices will help your company be competitive in the market. If you want to be a reseller, you can register a domain. To register a Domain, please check the details out.
We are required to select a domain extension (domain name) after the name we selected for domain registration. In the queries made in Turkey, .com,, .net, .org extensions are primarily used. If you have an empty domain address on the .com extension, we do recommend you to register .com extension first.
if the. com domain extension is an empty domain extension, it must be registered without delay. the .com extension is seen by many users as a basic extension.
Other domain extensions are also of interest. Some newly released and ongoing domain extensions are also in demand. In the new domain extensions, brand holders should register domain extensions to protect their domain address. You may also register the domains you consider important with new domain extensions.Generic domain addresses contained on the new domain extensions must also be registered.
Domain reseller refers to the system provided by domain registration companies, to domain investors or those who want to offer domain registration/transfer service on the website. Domain Management Domain registration, renewal and transfer. Financial transactions such as top-up into account, invoice request.